Figure gallerys


15mm Samurai terrain

Well, three posts in one week! Something must be going on... Anyway, for todays little sojourn we have a few 15mm town/village bases.

Basically they are buildings from the catalogue stuck onto generic base sizes and then given groundwork treatment around them. I haven't put as much detail as I would for a 28mm version as it would just get in the way for gaming and be quite delicate.

There is enough there though to make it look convincing though.

One thing that wasn't originally intended was the field base (shown left, not the best picture) but I thought it should be done as pretty much every single town, village etc would have fields (both paddy and normal) surrounding them.

One feature of a Japanese field is the raised beds, there are quite a few reasons for this which I won't go into now (a post all by itself!) but it certainly gives a definite feel for a gaming piece.

Also, orchards are grown over there with various fruit trees.

Not much else to say really apart from the fact that I quite enjoyed making it (as I do with all the projects I get) but I got more a sense of satisfaction for this one.

I'd like to get into 15mm gaming a bit more to allow for this sort of thing to be on the table without taking up the whole thing :-)

As ever, I'll leave you with some different shots.



  1. That's awesome!! I do own some 15mm Samurai, but like my 28mm just don't seem to get around to it.


  2. Really impressive modelling - love the base with the orchard.

  3. I'm spellbound. Those are just simply beautiful. Meticulously observed, realistic and wonderfully balanced. They really are lovely....really, really lovely.

  4. SOOO NiCe ! your making it very hard to resist the samurai era.... might have to make this my next project in 15mm, do you have any recommendations for which 15mm miniatures to use ??????

  5. Thank you again chaps :-)

    I've got Peter Pig and I think they are great. Not too chunky and with enough movement in them. Bugger to paint though, being so small lol.


