Figure gallerys


Some boats...

I've had a hankering for some Japanese Sengoku naval warfare for a while now and with the master for the smaller fune complete and moulded, this is now imminent :-)

First off, I've completed two of the larger kits as the main backbone of the first fleet. The mon is for the Murakami clan who were well established in the Inland Sea.

The right hand sail has been sewn and I intend to do the same with the other.

Below are the pictures of the smaller fune master before it went into the mould, I find painting them helps keep the detail and can also pick out any major defects that would be a sod to sort out afterwards.

I'll probably do four or five of these for this fleet and the same again for the opponants (on whom I've yet to decide).

It'll have a slightly smaller mast, rudder and sail and all the sails on all the ships are removeable for ease of transport.

I've started limited work on scratch building an o-take bune which were the monsters of the fleets, three or four stories high with a castle on top. The model version is about 20" long at the moment.

I'm also working on some smaller craft that could be used for river raids and transporting cargo etc, probably about half the size of the small one above.




  1. Wow, they look fantastic, very distinctive looking ships! There are some great Sengoku sea/sea-landing battles to recreate or base games on. Cheers, Paul :-)

  2. They certainly are distinctive lol

    I'm itching to play a game now :-)



  3. Hi, which rules do you use for playing?

  4. They are still very much work in progress at the moment and won't be complete for a while yet.


