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Some Game of Thrones

In the form of some terrain...

I recently bought the Renedra castle tower to see what it was like and to have a bit of fun with it if possible. Unfortunately the kit itself isn't the best. It doesn't quite fit together properly on the corners, some of the details are a little soft (not a massive problem), the battlement sections have no locking mechanism and the interior detail is a little lacking and seems to missing in some places.

To be honest, these aren't big problems for what I have intended for the tower as you will see below but I fell that the product was rushed for a Salute release. Understandable but slightly disappointing.

Anyway, the idea was to have it as a holdfast for my Karstark forces for when we eventually get to play a Game of Thrones.

As you'll see from the pictures below (no wips I'm afraid) I've done some conversion work on the tower by having a platform for the door which is up on the first floor. There will be some wooden stairs from the platform down to the base.

I'm also going to be adding some wooden hoarding on to the top instead of the supplied battlements. I think this will give a more of a northern Westeros look. I'll hopefully get this done in the next week or so.

The base was done with blue foam that has been carved with a long bladed knife and various geens and flocks were added to break it up a bit.



  1. Beautiful and inspiring work, Jim. And I agree 100% with your aesthetic choice for a wooden hoarding for a rustic, northern feel.

  2. Thank you kindly :-)

    I'm just hoping I can keep away from the Teutonic look as I don't think that would necessarly fit.



  3. Wonderful! And thanks for the comments on the Renedra tower, I have it on my radar and it's useful to know these things :)

  4. It's still a reasonable purchase but I'm a bit of a stickler ;-)


