Figure gallerys


Imperial Shuttle

Only complete pictures of this one I'm afraid (this is starting to become a bad habit) but basically it was a Star Wars Rebels toy picked up in Lidl and converted.

Below is a picture taken from the net of what the original toy looked like. I took the folding wings off, glued the cockpit in place, removed the soft vinyl elements and preceded to make the scratch built parts.

The main alteration was to add three new wings in a similar vein to an Imperial Lambda class shuttle from RotJ. The two lower wings actually move and they can be in either position. The top central wing is static.

The wings were made from sheet styrene for the core and plates with some tiny gubbins added here and there for effect. Some extra styrene panels and gubbins were added over the ship to help fill in the blank areas and to try and give it a sense of 28mm scale.

Te lgazed cockpit was masked out and it was given a primer coat of grey and then a coat of a light Tamiya acrylic spray. It was then covered all over with a diluted GW black ink and once this was dry a light drybrushing of a very pale grey brought the colour back up again.

Some small patches of rust were sponged on and then some weathering powders were added to complete the effect.

It's a big bugger but will hopefully take it's place on the table without intruding too much.



  1. Fantastic result. The wings look great.

  2. Thanks chaps, it was a pleasure to do :-)



  3. Wow, great conversion! What size was the Phantom intended for originally? 3.75" figures, or a stand alone toy?

  4. I think it was for the 3.75" but there were no figures supplied with it. The original cockpit had one large seat in it but I've sealed now so you can't tell.



  5. I was going to buy a 1995 Action Fleet Imperial Shuttle for use with WOTC minis, but your AWESOME work inspired me to purchase a Rebel one and try a conversion myself! THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND KEEP DOING THE GREAT JOB OF YOURS! :O)

    1. Thanks for the comments 😊

      Glad to inspire you and I think Star Wars will get a resurgence with me in the new year 👍🏻


