Figure gallerys


And yet another Chinese building base

The last one for now. I've got some more buildings being mastered at the moment and when these are done I'll do some more building bases but for the time being, this is it.

Not much to say apart from the fact that everything apart from the compound walls and front building roof has been scratch built.

We have been using the Fist Full of Lead rules recently and are enjoying them greatly and it's not too much of a push to convert them for Boxer Rebellion (Pipe Full of Opium maybe...) so with any luck in a week or two ll the building bases along with some other bits and pieces will see some action :-)

Enough wordage, on to the pictures!



  1. Glad you're enjoying the FfoL rules. Let me know about any mods you end up with for Boxers. You might look at the Mexican Revolution supplement for some ideas.
    We just did another SF playlets last night:

    1. They are very enjoyable 😊

      I’ll let you know what we come up with 👍🏻

      Really looking forward to playing the sf version with Star Wars!



  2. Should work great. The advanced rules will have rules for powers wielded by the Templars of the Golden Light as well as The Templars of the Void. Use your laser sword to send a blaster shot right back them!
