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Tree trunk tutorial

Here's a quick tutorial on how I made/will make the trees for my Endor games. I'm not very good at doing tutorials so any questions just ask  :)

First off is getting a suitable base and tube. The base is hardboard and the tube is cardboard about 55mm in diameter. The tube is stuck on the base with wood glue and left to go off.

The 'roots' for the tree are cut from thick card and are then stuck around the base of the trunk.

Cafe napkins are then used to blend the roots into the tree and to add an unevenness to the trunk itself. They are stuck on with watered down wood glue (about 50/50 although that's not a definite, whatever works for brushing on easily wold suffice).

Once this has dried a gloop mixture is applied to the whole trunk. The gloop is a mix of ready mixed filler, wood glue, fine sand and paint (to help give it some colour). This gloop is what I use on the bases of my terrain.

Once the gloop is applied a fine toothpick is lightly dragged over the surface to create the bark texture. One thing I did learn was that in doing the whole 400mm length some areas were already drying and getting the bark texture wasn't easy. I think for the rest I'll probably do them half and half.

Once the bark had dried an the ground texture had been applied (same gloop, different texture) the whole lot was given a watered down wash of brown ink. It didn't really matter if the ink coat was even as that will help to make it look a little less static in colour. It was then drybrushed lightly in several shades of tan and reddy brown in various patches and areas.

The base was given a quick drybrush of a slightly greyer brown and the first type of flock was added. It's Japanese tea and smells rather nice  :)

The green flock was applied next and suitable plants were chosen to be added. They are tiny etched palm trees with the trunks removed. I've also added some etched creepers and a fallen log (a lavender bush I think).

Here are the two I've done so far insitu (my money is on the bloke in camouflage). I'll also be doing fallen trunks and general bases of denser undergrowth/trees etc.



  1. Neat work James, might be using this for Historicon 2019 as the theme is "Extreme terrain - Jungle"

    1. Thanks, happy to inspire :-)



  2. Thanks for posting the great tutorial on creating giant trees for Star War..

  3. Very nice (and simple). The ground cover looks good.

    1. Cheers matey 😊

      Simple but I’ve got another 20 odd to do 😂



  4. Looking good! Are you going to make some stumps and fallen trees? "Goose Hollows" are a significant feature of redwood forests, and a fallen tree of that size makes for quite a bit of cover.

    1. Thanks and yes, I will be. Tempted to make some teddy bear tree houses as well 😂



  5. Lovely texture on these tree trunks!
    Best Iain

  6. This article has been included in my miniature tree making resource database:
