Figure gallerys


Mare Solum

There's a little group on Facebook that I frequent occasionally called Mare Solum and it's basically a Necromunda group but set on the water world of Mare Solum.

It sparked my interest and I've done a few things for it (which are shown below). I don't get much time for my own stuff unfortunately but I do enjoy it when I get the opportunity.

First off is a simple figure using the new GW genestealer sprues. I've left off the iconography as I'm trying to go for a normal human worker look. I've only done one for now but I'll get on with some more soon enough.

Then there's a bit of a transport. The gang I have in mind are algae farmers and they string massive cables between outposts for the algae to grow on and around and it's harvested throughout the year. First vehicle is just a simple dinghy with a few guns on (it's Necromunda, of course there are going to be guns lol). I'm not sure about the paint scheme but I'm not redoing it lol.

The next vehicle was originally intended to be an Imperial Guard patrol boat (which I started years and years ago) but I thought it would be more fitting with this after a bit of weathering etc.

Then there is the start of one of the outposts. Not sure what it's actually supposed to be but it looks coo enough :-) I'll be going for a Foss style colour scheme on tis and the rest of the builds (if I ever get round to doing them). Since making this I've come up with the idea to make it float just above the surface of the water and hopefully in a few weeks I'll have something to show. It was originally going to have loads of floats around it which have been done. I'll keep them for something else at a later date.

And finally I've got some floaty boats. Inspired mainly by Ralph McQue and other images of the same nature these are a bit more cobbled together and serve as haulers and transports. I'll be making some guns on separate plinths so they can be armed if necessary.



  1. Well those are great! The navigational buoy is perfect for evoking the look and is a great size, and those floaty boats look fun too (as well as possibly being useful for other settings)

    That Patrol boat is well armed, but I guess you would have to be in a Necromunda world! If the gangers with guns and RPGs do not get you, the sump spiders and slime squids will!

    1. Thank you :-)

      The weapons on the patrol bot are/will be removable so a crane could feasibly go on the back (or front).

      I have an idea to use the floaty boats for my Akira project but they might be a bit too distopian ll



  2. Wow! There is just a heap of goodness in this post. Very inspiring work, thanks for sharing it.

  3. Beautiful work and great imagination 😀

  4. Love the floaty boats and the buoy is great! It's good to have ongoing projects that evolve, like your patrol boat!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain :-)

      Hopefully will get some more done on it soon.



  5. I think all these are enormously creative pieces. I'm particularly in love with the floating boats (and will have to try to replicate myself!), but everything is really great.

  6. Great work. I love the patrol boat in particular!

  7. Such a wonderful and inspirational idea, it gives the whole game a new dimension.
    It reminds me a bit of the Waterworld movie.

    Splendid looking boats and buoy!
